Is Row Capital City Rowing a non-profit? Yes. CCR is a 501(c)(3) non-profit corporation devoted to developing the strength, character and confidence of middle school and high school students, through the discipline and teamwork of rowing. will my donation be used for? Rowing Equipment. Our 2024 Ergathon fundraising goal is $25,000. The team will invest the fundraising dollars into our fleet, land training equipment & transportation equipment.
How much does Rowing Equipment actually cost? Rowing equipment varies in price depending upon manufacturer, materials used and quantities purchased. For example – the shells that we currently use 8+ 4+ 2x 1 x range in price from over $42K to $10K. The oars range between $750 and $500 each while new coxswain boxes run approx $1,200K. Riggers, seats, shoes and all of the other working parts in a boat vary from $50 to $500 to buy, maintain or replace.
I paid tuition, doesn’t that cover the cost of equipment? No. Tuition funds the day-to-day operating needs including investments in coaches (all of whom are paid professional, facility and vehicle maintenance equipment maintenance (truck, trailer and launch registration as well as launch, shell and oar repairs), gasoline for launches, cleaning supplies, insurances, safety equipment, regatta and racing fees.